Mantra Pavilion

Our beautiful Mantra Pavilion is your perfect venue for your wedding vows, effortlessly romantic with most natural ambience overlooking the majestic jungle of greens. A wedding chapel beautifully set overlooking the majestic of greens, a perfect wedding spot for your wedding vows as the stunning backdrop of majestic green is set behind. Mantra Pavilion can accommodate up to 54 seating capacity.
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Rama Sinta

Our indoor venue is available for up to 80 seating capacity ‘theatre style’ that may be booked for private meetings or seminars and up to 54 seating capacity for ‘round table style’ set up for any celebrations or wedding banquet. Seating configuration is set up as per guest request.

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Gym Facility

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Dangin Sunken Pool & Bar

A swim bar bar beneath the main pool, is the most instagrammable spot for our guests to enjoy.  The bar is nicely tucked inside, where the guests may enjoy some easy bites and find our happy hours offers while happily being inside the dungeon.

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Jamu Spa at Kenran

Affiliating with a renowned Jamu Spa, founder by Mrs. Jeannine Marie Carroll, a natural healer and traditional herbalist, specializing in “jamu” Indonesias herbology and Kenran is proud to affiliate with Jamu Spa as to bring quality spa experience for your body and soul.

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Suka Seni Gallery

Exhibiting some of the finest  HuanFong Painting Collections and showcasing fine art collectibles & sculptures representing Bali and its culture and Wiracana Finest Fan Collections, which you would love to take home as souveniers.

Pick Up & Drop

We’ll pick up from airport while you comfy on your ride, mus nellentesque habitant.

Swimming Pool

Swimming pool tincidunt nise ace park norttito sit space, mus nellentesque habitant.

Parking Space

Fusce tincidunt nis ace park norttito sit amet space, mus nellentesque habitant.

Fibre Internet

Wifi tincidunt nis ace park norttito sit amet space, mus nellentesque habitant.

Room Service

Room tincidunt nis ace park norttito sit amet space, mus nellentesque habitant.


Eat tincidunt nisa ace park norttito sit amet space, mus nellentesque habitant